ALDI - Seasonal and Social
ACD, SapientRazorfish - 2017 - Present
ALDI, while beloved by fans the world over, still has significant perception issues to address. There is a common misconception that low prices means poor quality and abysmal selection. Fake news.
To help combat such issues, our social and digital channels embraced two simple aspects, while supporting each other whenever possible. First, we addressed quality by focusing on fresh ingredients. Second, while ALDI had historically focused on price (part of the issue), we shifted emphasis to selection to demonstrate range of products.
Finally, to save some cash for the client (which clients always appreciate), we tried to double up on asset usage when possible.
For summer, we showed off our grillables in a gorgeous, digitally friendly light.
For Q4, we capitalized on the consumer behavior of #ALDIHaul and used knolling to stylishly convey the idea that everything you need for your hauliday festivities with family and friends, you can find at ALDI.
The new year wasn't about depriving yourself. It was about eating smart and saving on all the fresh and healthy foods that would keep you on track.
And for the big game, we got messy inside while getting customers to show us their party-making-money-saving victory dance on social.
Big ALDI news is often products that are hot overseas but not available in the United States. For Mother's Day, ALDI decided to import their Joe Malone knock-off. While flowers would be the easiest way to convey scents online, we're only allowed to show products ALDI actually carries. To work around that, we decided to create stop motion paper-flowers - just as pretty as real flowers, but even more appropriate for digital spaces.